As expected, Lady Gaga is belle of the 2019 Oscars ball. It’s been a whirlwind award season for the singer and actress, whose breathtaking turn as Ally in A Star is Born has resulted in nominations galore. And though she’s won a couple for both her acting and the record-breaking song “Shallow” already, only time will tell if she adds an Academy Award to an already crowded mantle.
Regardless of what tonight brings, it would be criminal to overlook how gorgeous she’s looked throughout the high-profile press run. Though our personal favorite is her powder blue hair at the Golden Globe Awards, we were also sort-of obsessed with her classic updo at the Screen Actors Guild Awards and glittery eyelids at the National Board of Review award gala. Like her Little Monsters, we’ve always counted on the New York native to spice up whatever red carpet she steps on, but what we weren’t expecting her to do is just that, but with a classic, Old Hollywood flair. Tonight was no exception as the 32-year-old stepped out with a mystery date and a hairstyle that’s somehow classic and modern at the same time.
Like a lot of the other ladies tonight, she’s wearing an updo, also known as the kind of look an upscale occasion calls for. But in true Mother Monster fashion, her version is super structured with huge pieces of hair intertwined and side-swept to the side of the head and back up into the top of the head.
From a different angle, you can see those two pieces of hair meet the top of a french twist with the end curls and pinned down. Gaga was also sure to tone down her makeup, with the biggest accent being bright shadow and dark brows. A winning look, indeed.
from StyleCaster
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