So........ black people can’t even sit in Starbucks without getting arrested these days.
Two black Philadelphia men were hauled off in handcuffs after a Starbucks store manager called the police on them for “trespassing.”
According to reports, the two men were sitting inside the Philadelphia Starbucks while waiting to meet up with a colleague. They asked to use the restroom and since they hadn’t purchased anything, their request was denied by employees. Then, they were asked to leave and that’s when the store manager called the cops to have them removed.
We wonder if this same policy exists at the Starbucks locations in places like Beverly Hills or any other high income area.
Local Jewish buisnessman Andrew Yaffe – the white man they were waiting on – tried to intervene, asking the officers why they were being arrested. Of course they didn’t answer.
, the two black men who were not doing anything illegal were ARRESTED. For what exactly? Being black! We'd like to applaud these young men for keeping their cool and not giving these cops a real reason to arrest them. Not that they had one in the first place.The guys were held in police custody for nearly nine hours before they were released. No charges were filed. Of course they weren't. They literally weren't doing anything wrong.
Once the clip of the men being arrested started going viral, folks started calling out Starbucks on social media to respond. The arrests prompted the #BoycottStarbucks hashstag and also protests at the Philly store.
The company is planning to close more than 8,000 U.S. stores one afternoon next month for “racial-bias education” training. The training session will be presented before 175,000 employees on May 29th. Hmm…we can’t help but wonder if they’ll hire black people or white people to lead these trainings.
Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson went on "Good Morning America" to apologize to the men personally...
Just Sickening....
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