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DIY~Make Simple And Delicate Angel Wing Earrings For Gifts Or Yourself!

Make these simple, beautiful, delitcate angel wing earrings for gifts or to wear yourself! I included a link below where you can purchase the angel wings and connectors at an excellent price! Click on my following YouTube link to see the tutorial:


Materials Needed For One Pair Of Earrings

*2 1.5 or 2 Inch Eye Pins
*2 Angel Wing Charms (See link below)
*2 Top Connectors (See link below)
*4 Round, Purple Seed Beads
*4 4mm Daisy Spacers
*2 Ear Wires

*Nipper Tool
*Flat Nose Pliers
*Round Nose Pliers

*You can purchase the angel wing charms and small connectors at:

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