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31 Days Character Creation Challenge Day 23: Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells


Today and the coming days I'm making characters for Blades & Cosmic Spells. I imagine these characters as members of a science-fantasy chain gang. 

Name: Yosho Grixxithra Agurazk 

 You are Zaba. Your republic spans three exquisite swamp worlds, and the Council of Grandmothers lead you ever into prosperity and calm. 

The mammals from Beyond are a strange and often warlike species. You have little in the way of war within your own species, but you do know how to defend yourselves. 

You are a colorful semi-anthropomorphic frog. Your primary color is a vivid orange, which marks you as a member of the defender caste. To your species the nature/nurture distinction is meaningless. Your kind are born into a caste that is also a cultural duty. Humanity’s dissatisfied and aggressive nature is most likely due to lacking clarity of purpose, you think. Not that Humans take pointers from you. 

 You trained hard with the long rifle and the saber, in order to repel the marauding apes. You won two encounters. To your sorrow you lost the third. 

You are a prisoner of war, not a common criminal. The mammals do not seem to understand this distinction though. Right now maintaining morale is primary, then plan an escape. 

Concept: Frog-person of the defender caste

Class: Tough






Sanity: 11

Luck: 3

Credits: Currently none

Recovery Roll: 1d6+2 

Species abilities: Yosho’s species, the Zaba, are perfect amphibians, operating equally well on land and in water. They also jump quite well. 

Class Abilities

● Too Tough to Die: Once per adventure, upon reaching 0 Vitality,The Tough immediately regains 1d6 + LevelVitality points. This represents the character’s strong resilience and unfaltering determination. 

● Feel the Pain: No one strikes as hard asThe Tough. All melee damage inflicted by the character is increased by 1 (so if the weapon’s normal damage is 1d6The Tough would cause 1d6+1 points of damage when using that weapon). 

● I Can Take 'Em All:The Tough knows how to take advantage of their superior combat prowess. The character can make a number of extra attacks per round equal to the difference between their Level and the highest number of HD possessed by an opponent in close range 

● That’s my Favorite:The Tough chooses one particular type of melee weapon as their favorite. When using weapons of that type the character rolls a Positive Die. In Yosho’s case this is the saber. 

Current gear:

Vacc suit which acts as light armor. 

Hardtack and weak ale


Big sack

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