This worked out really great because the REST of my belongings were also still boxed up. My little office room was so full of boxes of books and such that there was only room to walk from the door to the computer. So this was a pretty good weekend to assemble things for the wife, clean a few things out, and finally unpack the junk I've accumulated over the years.
I have a lot of reorganizing to do. There's not a lot of rhyme or reason as to how the TFs are displayed other than that they're not as heavy as books or comics or records so I put them at the top. We may even get a separate display case for them, who knows. The cast of More Than Meets The Eye are actually on a shelving unit in another room because that's how much I love the comic.
I have a few other things I need to do. Like thinning out the non Classics/Generations related stuff, displaying techspecs, convincing IDW to let me write a Sideswipe ongoing, things like that. Also, be a good homeowner. So much work! Homeownership is haaaarrrrrd. But it's nice to finally see the floor in this room now.
-expect a new Robots In Cahoots podcast soon.
-Y'know, I keep wanting to go to this. I found out about it a few years ago and then when it comes time for it something comes up. Should I go? I should go.
-Found TF Prime Vehicon, the RiD version, at Five Below for $5 (duh). He's kind of a shell-former, but c'mon, the leg/hood transformation bit is AMAZING. Seriously, that's some impressive toy engineering.
-I saw some of the MST3K guys do a q&a a few weekends ago. Funny stuff. What a great show. I have nothing else to add.
-Here's a SILLY PAGE!
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